Sunday, January 25, 2009

No Sims 3 for Me

Personally, I'm completely dreading the release of The Sims 3. As a movie maker, it will be YEARS before Sims 3 has caught up to where we are now with Sims 2. Making movies will be thrown back to the stone age! I'm also afraid that all the focus will go to the Sims 3, and new custom content, hacks, and mods will stop being created for Sims 2.

From what I've seen, I don't feel like The Sims 3 is different enough from 2 to change over yet. The difference from Sims 1 to 2 was so extreme that it was like getting an entire new game! But this time the differences will mostly benefit game play (like the new neighborhood function) but not movie making. I know game play is the main purpose, but for us movie makers the release of the Sims 3 will only hurt (for awhile). Plus, on a side note, I don't like the way the new sims look! I think they look weird and almost LESS realistic - in their faces at least.

Anyway, that's my opinion and rant about the Sims 3. I know a lot of movie makers who aren't planning on switching, but I know many who are as well. I sincerely hope that the Sims 2 doesn't fade away into obscurity and that people will still enjoy watching Sims 2 movies! I'm still planning to release one this summer!!